New Dawn for Atlantis

The Australian magazine, New Dawn, is internationally recognized for relentlessly shining a light on alternative issues. It’s first “special edition” for 2014 was released on Feb 1st and is devoted to Ancient civilizations. An article based on “Atlantis and the Silver City” is featured over six pages. The magazine’s other content consists of eleven fascinating articles by well known authors such as Robert Schoch on Indonesia`s Gunung Padang and Brian Foester on Tiwanaku and Puma Punku in South America.. It is essential reading for anyone interested in man’s forgotten past.

new dawn magazine special issue on ancient civilizations.

new dawn magazine special issue on ancient civilizations.

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The elephant clue that confirms Atlantis has been found.

Plato´s assertion that elephants were abundant on Atlantis has been cited by many as good reason why he was not talking about anywhere in Europe.They thought none existed there 12,000 years ago but analysis proves exactly the opposite. Elephants were still inhabiting many Mediterannean islands as well as south west Iberia at that time, although mostly of the pygmy variety. However, my theory includes northern Morocco as part of the original Atlantis homeland as well as south west Iberia. Parts of these two areas were only separated by a strait of Gibraltar that was even narrower than now and extended much further into the Atlantic, thus making crossing between the two very easy and inevitable. North Morocco was also very verdant then rendering it ideal for agriculture and the support of herds of large elephants. Indeed, even in Plato´s time elephants existd there and much later still were documented as being there by the Romans.

Plato would not have known about this vast combined productive plain which supported herds of this noble beast. Part of it extended almost unbroken from Iberia into Morocco before it became substantialy submerged thousands of years earlier. He must have received the information from another recorded source and does not smack of his own invention as it was correct.


There is a chapter in ATLANTIS and the Silver City that proposes a theory for the existence of pyramids in various forms all over the world. Another chapter addresses Plato´s assertion that the Atlantis empire stretched westwards across Atlantic Islands as far as America. Recent media coverage of archaeologist’s discoveries about a number of small pyramids on Pico Island in the Azores lends support to both these chapters.

Historians had previously maintained that these step pyramids were the result of the early Portuguese settlers clearing rocks from the land and stacking them into pyramids. The same is also claimed of completly unrelated Spainish immigrants, that they built the step pyramids on Gomera in the Canary Isles in th same way for the same reason. Why they had never done this back home in their different countries is not addressed. The whole notion is laughable nonsense. Why would farmers waste energy and precious time hauling large rocks up to the height of a three to four story building when it would have been much quicker and infinitely easier to have placed them at a low level as boundary walls round the fields as elewhere all over the Azores. They wanted to get on with job of providing for their families, not build pyramidic temples Afyter all, they were devout catholics. Plus, if they were just stacking the rock to clear the land, why go to the trouble of placing each rock to form the exacting shape of a precisely aligned step pyramid. This equaly applies to the ones on the Canaries where they have been built with flat sides facing outwards. (This was recorded by Thor Heyerdhal and an archaeologist he employd to help him examine them.)

Those media reports I mentioned at the begining related to Portuguese archaeolgists from Lisbon who had just spent some time exploring and assessing the ones on Pico and had pronounced that they predate the Portuguese discovery and settlement of the Azores by thousands of years. It supports the above analysis.

Within days of their anouncing this it was claimed that a large pyramid had been found submerged in shallow waters off another Azores island, Terceira.. This has been checked by the Portuguese navy and they report it is the top of a mountain, according to a survey they did a while ago.

The archaeologist’s claims about the pyramids on Pico however will inevitably lead to speculation that the Azores are the remnants of Atlantis. In fact they probably are, as are the Canaries,but only in the sense they were part of the Island Empire decribed by Plato .Civilisation could well have lingered there long after the loss of the homeland back in south west Iberia..

Atlantis Found

Atlantis Found  – The Plato clues test.

Many historians have doubted whether Plato was telling the truth about Atlantis. The argument has raged back and forth for 2,400 years.

I decided that the only way to bring the debate to a head was to extract from his famous dialogues as many Atlantis clues as could possibly be verified today and then see if I could find the legendary land of Atlantis. I admit, having studied the subject of ancient civilisations as a hobby for over 50 years, I already had some ideas about where to look, but that did not deter me from examining other Atlantis sites suggested in over 2000 books.

I found that none passed the “Plato clues test”, most only agreed with a handful, so I turned to researching my own favoured site, South West Iberia. It passed with flying colours, matching all 60 of the clues to Atlantis I had isolated.

Now, professional examination of the seabed is needed to see if any remains of submerged cities can be found. Only then will we know if his basic story was correct.The very fact that “ATLANTIS and the Silver City” proves overwhelmingly that Plato was actually referring to a very specific region could be taken as the first affirmation that there is at least some truth in his story.

The site of the Atlantis Capital


Silves Distance HIGH RES

This is a photograph of the city that currently exists on the ancient site described by Plato.

It is exactly as he wrote: a small hill less than a kilometre wide on a small flat plain; backed by mountains to the north; connected to the sea by a 9.25 kilometre waterway. A castle and cathedral currently sit where once stood the temple and silver walled palace.

In all it matches 18 highly individualand exacting descriptions left us by Plato. It is virtually impossible to be coincidence.

Did our alphabet originate on Atlantis?

Recent archaeological evidence offers new proof for the claim in the book that the origin of our Western Alphabet is much older than previously thought.

A recently discovered relic from the era of King Solomon, together with others found earlier in Pakistan, Palestine and Iberia, indicate that the script from which the Western Alphabet developed is from a much earlier Iberian one that far predated Phoenician.

The current version of history dictates that our alphabet evolved from one originally devised by the Phoenicians, who probably used an earlier Semitic script as a template. Yet in the book I assert that the Semitic alphabet was really a much older script that had found it´s way to the Middle East from Iberia. I claim proof that this old script, which experts already accept originated in south west Iberia, is much older than originally thought and that it´s use had spread over a wide part of the world thousands of years before the Phoenicians ever existed. Academics refer to it as the “South West Script” or “Luso-Iberico Script”, but were somewhat bewildered when samples first started to be unearthed during the last century in southern Portugal as a percentage of the characters were the same as Phoenician. Rather than consider it as a relic script from a much earlier era as the first finds indicated, they proceeded to shoehorn it into their version of history and pronounced that it must have developed from Phoenician in the Iron Age, around 600 to 700 BC., when the Phoenicians were trading with the area.

Goliath, David and King Solomon.

Just three of the many examples that I cite to disprove this are small pieces of pottery unearthed in recent times. (See illustrations) One was discovered by the respected Israeli Archaeologist, Dr. Aren Maeir, in the ancient Palestine city of Gath that was reputed to have been the home of Goliath. It was dated to about 950 BC and Maeir claimed it was decorated with characters from an older script that spelt out the local name for Goliath. It was therefore the first proof ever found that the famous biblical figure of Goliath actually existed. On seeing this story illustrated in an English newspaper, I immediately recognised that the inscription was made up of letters from the ancient Iberian script and only one was the same as Phoenician. Yet, according to the experts, the Luso-Iberico Script with it´s percentage of different characters did not even exist in 950 BC., but this evidence would suggest that was simply not true. It would appear that use of the script had already spread over a wide area.

Another very recent find, which has caused controversy in academic circles, confirms this analysis. The current issue of the Israel Exploration Journal details a find made by Israeli Archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar, near Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. It is dated to the era of King Solomon around 1000BC and is described as the oldest alphabetic written text to be found in Jerusalem. It is crudely incised just below the top of a broken jar and the archaeologists think it is an early form of Canaanite, not Hebrew. Only one of the letters is similar to Phoenician but all of the six discernible ones are very similar to characters in the Luso-Iberico Script. The controversy has been sparked by other experts claiming the letters are from the oldest known Hebrew script known as “Early Alphabetic Script” which was created earlier in the second millennium. None of the “experts” seem to have noticed that it incontrovertibly matches the ancient Iberian script.

Ancient Pakistan

The third piece of pottery is an even more dramatic example. It was discovered in excavations in a city from the Harappan civilisation in Pakistan, dating from around 3,000 BC. I first saw the example on the BBC news website, where it can still be found. I again immediately recognised that the characters it was decorated with were the same as the Luso Iberico Script, but in those letters that were exclusive to it and were not the same as Phoenician. It would be more than 2,000 years before the Phoenicians even existed as a nation, so again it is powerful and indisputable evidence that the Iberian script existed long before Phoenician or Caananite scripts.

Earlier than 10,000 BC.

The book illistrates  numerous other examples of archaeological finds from over twenty cultures on which letters from this ancient alphabet appear. For example, one is from France and has been dated to before 10,000 BC, with others from Egypt dated from 3,000 to 12,000 BC that were found by the famous Scottish Egyptologist, William Flinders Petrie. However, the greatest numbers of finds are from Iberia, particularly southern Portugal where the script appears to have been perpetuated the longest. Some are indisputably dated to early eras such as on a dolmen in Alvao in Portugal from six thousand years ago


The Plato connection.

Interestingly, one of Plato´s clues was that the Atlanteans had a form of writing. Also, Strabo, the famous Greek chronicler known as “The Geographer”, wrote that the inhabitants of south west Iberia were very cultured and claimed to have records written in their own script dating back to 6,000BC. Just another coincidence perhaps?




Atlantis misconceptions

Unfortunately, many people have one or two preconceived ideas about Atlantis that are completely wrong.

The first is that information is available about it from many sources. The truth is that the only details we have are from Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher. He is the only source we have and apart from the odd throw- away remark or hint, nothing else exists. No Plato….no Atlantis….it is as simple as that.

An example of how widespread this misconception is ingrained is that several reviewers have criticised me for using Plato as my guide.

W hat we do not know is if Plato was telling the truth and this has been argued over for more than 2000 years. But, before that dispute could be settled we had to discover exactly where he was refering to. Then it would be up to archaeologists to investigate for remains. I am convinced I have now prepared the ground for that stage. South west Iberia matches the clues Plato left to exactly to be dismissed as mere coincidence. Fortunately, exploration of the seabed will be relatively easy, but nevertheless costly. A boat fitted out with expensive side- scanners will be needed and preferably with a submersible. If evidence exists it could be found quite quickly. I already know of one set of flooded buildings.

The second misconception is that Atlantis consisted of just one magnificent city. Plato makes it abundantly clear he was talking about a very large kingdom with many cities. and an empire of Islands stretching across the Atlantic all the way to America. The capital itself was less than a kilometre wide, but admitedly it was a glittering affair.

Again, there are some reviews of the book that betray this eroneous belief. Theyalso prove what many other authors have long suspectecd with regard to their own works, that the reviewer often does not even bother to read the book . For instance, a review for my book in a responsible American literary magazine, implied that Atlantis was just a city and that I claimed to have discovered it off the coast of Portugal. In fact I devote a whole chapter to proving the opposite, that it was exactly where Plato said it was, 9.25 kilometres inland!

Review – AP Magazine


Atlantis Discovered! Again.
Is this “it”? A Review of “Atlantis and the Silver City”

by: Greg Little
Over a year ago I received several emails from the author of the just-released book titled Atlantis and the Silver City.

The author, Peter Daughtrey asked for permission to use a few illustrations from a couple books that I coauthored on the same topic, and he related that by following the clues left behind by Plato, he had finally deciphered the actual location of Atlantis. And he had found not just the Center City of Atlantis but also the main portion of the empire. Sight unseen and with the details of his discovery not revealed to me, I agreed for the use of the illustrations—something I have always done when asked. Daughtrey’s discovery was the culmination of a 20-year quest that ended in the discovery of the Atlantis Empire close to his home, but more on that momentarily.

The publisher of the book, Pegasus Books, recently sent me a pre-publication copy of the book for review. It is 262 pages and contains about 45 pictures and illustrations. Back when so many others came to the conclusion that a deep underwater area off Cyprus was definitely, positively, and indisputably the lost continent of Atlantis — based on a claimed “perfect” match of Plato’s clues — I realized that people interpreted or twisted Plato’s clues to fit their particular discovery. For example, Cyprus is in the Eastern Mediterranean. But Plato related that Atlantis was far into the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) and not in the Mediterranean. So the interpretation made to make Cyprus fit what Plato stated entailed making the Pillars of Hercules mean something else and also making the Atlantic Ocean into the Mediterranean. The logic goes like this: This underwater Atlantean city off Cyprus is in the Mediterranean, therefore Plato really meant the Mediterranean and not the Atlantic Ocean. Since Plato really meant that Atlantis was in the Mediterranean, then Cyprus fits this clue perfectly! Of course we all know now that the discovery of Atlantis off Cyprus turned out to be a natural pile of mud—literally a pile of mud. Another example is that the tiny island of Santorini fits Plato’s clues. It was a small circular island—not a many-hundreds-of-miles long island as Plato related. And Santorini is in the Mediterranean. But that’s just quibbling. Nevertheless, it was around the time that many people seemed to naively and instantly accept that Cyprus was Atlantis that I just ceased participating in Atlantis documentaries and became disgusted with the entire field. About that same time, I was told by a publisher that the reading public was not interested in reading about the “Search for Atlantis.” They wanted to read about its discovery. “You gotta say you actually found it,” I was told. “That sells books.”

And so when I got “Atlantis and the Silver City” to review I wasn’t sure what I would see, but I suspected more of the same—another wild claim based on twisting Plato around. One aspect I have seen over the years as an “Atlantis seeker” is that most people seem to discover Atlantis where they happen to be at the time. It is curious how those in Santorini claim it was Atlantis. I have been contacted by quite a few people in Ireland who claim that Ireland was Atlantis. The same can be said for the Bahamas, Spain, and so on. Atlantis has been found—claimed to have been found—everywhere. It was off India, in South America in the Andes, in Tampa, Florida, Central America, North Africa, and on it goes. My approach has also been one of searching where it is convenient and logistically feasible, so in reality I have done the same thing to some extent. But when we actually found something intriguing we haven’t claimed it was from Atlantis. It’s been an adventure and a quest, and yes, Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings on Atlantis have played a role in our search. But we have never ever claimed to have found Atlantis or any part of it. We are looking and have found a lot of things, but we don’t know precisely what it is. So, is there anything different about what “Atlantis and the Silver City” claims? The answer is a surprising yes, and the book deserves a close look. I have to commend the author for his careful reasoning and also for his close examination of what Plato really stated.

I will not give the details of precisely where the book relates that the Center City was—and still is. That can actually be found on the first few pages, so that secret will be out soon. But simply giving out those details could deter others from reading the entire book. I will relate that he rightly starts by reaffirming that Atlantis was outside the Mediterranean in the Atlantic. And he relates that it was an island empire that extended from Spain and Portugal across the Atlantic to the Bahamas and other islands in the Caribbean, including Cuba. A careful reading of Plato leads to the inescapable conclusion that what Plato described was many islands forming a vast maritime culture that extended from the western opening of the Mediterranean all the way to the Caribbean and the Americas. The author of Atlantis and the Silver City uses logic and actual archaeological finds to make his conclusions—and what he concludes does fit Plato—all of Plato. There was a Center City, a surrounding plain and mountains, and many other islands in the empire. Andrew Collins, Graham Hancock, and others including my group of researchers are all mentioned many times. There is a strong possibility that the things the book claims are factual and the author may have hit upon something important in his conclusions. He will show you where the Center City was, as he conceives it, and where the main portion of the surrounding area was—and still is. But like many ideas based on speculation and theory, someone with great resources will have to go beneath deep water and do some serious searching to confirm some aspects of it. Nevertheless, it is an intriguing book well worth the read for anyone interested in Atlantis.